耶穌解釋撒種的比喻說:「那撒在荊棘中的,是指人聽了這「話」後,世俗的焦慮,財富的迷惑,以及其他的貪慾進來,把「話」蒙住了,結不出果實。」(谷 4:1-20)

1A Little Star Award(2122)

Little Star Award


Katherine is this month’s winner!

Katherine is tidy.

After school, she tucks in her chair.

When her pens drop on the floor, she picks them up and puts them back into her pencil case.

At home, she is helpful.

She helps her mum hang up the washing.

She also teaches her little brother homework.

She helps Grandpa walk too.


                                                                             By Vanessa Chan (1A)

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