耶穌解釋撒種的比喻說:「那撒在荊棘中的,是指人聽了這「話」後,世俗的焦慮,財富的迷惑,以及其他的貪慾進來,把「話」蒙住了,結不出果實。」(谷 4:1-20)

1D Father's Day Card (2122)

Father’s Day Card

Dear Dad,


Father, I want to say, ‘Thank you’.

At weekends you take me to Disneyland.

Then when it is sunny, you take me to the park.

Hey! You always take me to school!

Every day you help me with my homework.

Really Dad, I love you.


Happy Father’s Day!

From your daughter,



                                                                             By Cicely Wong (1D)

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