耶穌解釋撒種的比喻說:「那撒在荊棘中的,是指人聽了這「話」後,世俗的焦慮,財富的迷惑,以及其他的貪慾進來,把「話」蒙住了,結不出果實。」(谷 4:1-20)

2A - Riddles (2122)



You can put me next to you when you are going to bed at night.

I am soft and I have fur all over my body.

I am huggable and cute.

You can buy me from a toy shop.

You may see a heart on my tummy.

What am I?


Answer: a teddy bear


It can be found at many different malls.

It is used for carrying things.

It can be made of paper, plastic or leather.

It is a soft container and has a handle.

What is it?


Answer: a bag


By Aimee Ho

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