若望寫道:「天主對我們的愛在這事上已顯出來:就是天主把自己的獨生子,打發到世界上來,好使我們藉?他得到生命。」(若一 4:7-10)

2A My Classmate (2223)

My Classmate


     My classmate is Mirabel.  She sits behind Carrie.  Sometimes, she plays with Carrie.  They always feel happy.

     Mirabel is hard-working because she always reads a lot of books.  Her favourite subjects are General Studies and Visual Arts.  She is good at drawing.  She likes drawing girls with beautiful dresses and super heroes on her notebook.

     Mirabel is a kind and honest girl.  She never tells lies to anyone.  She always shares her food with me.  I like playing with her.  One day, Mirabel and I were in the classroom.  We were bored so we read a storybook together.  We enjoyed reading the book.  If I have time, I must read books with Mirabel again.


2A Phoebe Choy

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