若望寫道:「天主對我們的愛在這事上已顯出來:就是天主把自己的獨生子,打發到世界上來,好使我們藉?他得到生命。」(若一 4:7-10)

3B A Frightening Day (2223)

A Frightening Day


On Sunday morning, Mum was in the kitchen making breakfast for the family. When she saw a cockroach, she screamed in horror and she called Sunny to help her defeat the cockroach.


Sunny went under the table with a slipper in hand. She looked behind her and saw the cockroach. Meanwhile, Mum was standing on a stool screaming. Sunny also screamed in horror.


Sunny called Dad to help clean the house. Sunny and Dad cleaned the cupboards. Mum tidied the tables. At last they found a bottle of bug spray and sprayed. It was a scary day for them. I would feel horrified if I were Sunny.


By Aimee Ho (3B)

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