耶穌為一個附魔的人驅魔後,眾人大為驚愕,以致彼此詢問說:「這是怎麼一回事?他連給邪魔出命,邪魔也聽從他。」谷 1:21-28)

2C - Riddles(2324)



I am big, colourful and rectangular.

Inside my tummy, there is a picture of Cinderella.

I am very hard.

On my belly, there is another picture of the prince dancing with Cinderella in the yard.

You can read me when you’re bored.

What am I?     (a book)


I have a round face.

If you have me on your wrist, you will know the time.

I live in a shop.

I live there with many big clocks.

I have twelve numbers on my face.

What am I?     (a watch)


By 2C

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