耶穌為一個附魔的人驅魔後,眾人大為驚愕,以致彼此詢問說:「這是怎麼一回事?他連給邪魔出命,邪魔也聽從他。」谷 1:21-28)

4A - A Spider Surprise(2324)

A Spider Surprise

One Sunday afternoon, Lily was sleeping in her bed and she was snoring loudly. Tommy, Lily's little brother, crept into her room and held a toy spider. He thought, ‘I'm going to scare Lily.’

So he secretly put the toy spider into her slipper. When Lily woke up, she put on her slippers. But something didn't feel right! She quickly took them off. Suddenly, a real-looking spider fell onto the floor. Lily screamed and ran away.

Then, her brother Tommy appeared in front of her. He laughed, ‘Don't be silly! It is just a toy rubber spider.’ Lily felt angry but she still forgave her brother.



By 4A

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