耶穌為一個附魔的人驅魔後,眾人大為驚愕,以致彼此詢問說:「這是怎麼一回事?他連給邪魔出命,邪魔也聽從他。」谷 1:21-28)

4B - My Heroine Mum(2324)

My Heroine Mum


     Last month, while I was practicing skiing, I suddenly lost balance and fell down on a skiing trail of a snow mountain. There was tons of snow so it was very slippery. Back then I knew that I needed help. I was frightened because it was my first skiing experience. I cried a bit.


      Then, when my mum saw that, she grabbed her ski tightly and rushed down to try to save me. However, at the same time, my sister slipped and fell too. At that very moment, my mum quickly grabbed me but left my skiing poles on the snow. I could tell that she was panicking. She skied as fast as she could until she got near my sister. Mum skied even faster and grabbed hold of her. At once, we were all saved. She held us close until we were all at the bottom of the snow mountain. Luckily, my sister only scraped her knee.


     I thought that my mum's act was heroic because she saved my sister and me though she herself was also in danger. What a brave Mum!




By 4B

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