耶穌說:「你們用什麼尺度量給人,也要用什麼尺度量給你們。」(谷 4:21-25)

3C A Better Living Habit(2021)

A Betting Living Habit


Dear Miss Y.H. Kong,


Greetings, Miss Kong. How are you doing lately? Doing fine, I hope. I've noticed that you're becoming unhealthy! Here, let me give you some suggestions on your eating and exercising habits.

You almost never do sports! This is really bad for your health. You ought to do sports three times a week! And not to mention your eyes...you have to sleep for at least 8 hours a day! Oh, and you really shouldn't play video games so much, it make your eyes tired. Just look at your glasses! And lastly, don't eat so much spicy food and drink less cola. Eat more veggies! And this is the end of the report. Have a nice day!


Doctor Coley





By Coley Lam 3C

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