耶穌說:「你們用什麼尺度量給人,也要用什麼尺度量給你們。」(谷 4:21-25)

4C Making Things - A Fancy Boat(2021)

Making Things

A Fancy Boat


You will need:

  • two sticks which are made of plastic
  • a hot glue gun
  • a big plastic container
  • a small piece of cloth
  • a pencil
  • a red marker
  • a piece of string
  • scissors
  • a little LEGO man
  • a rock



1. First use the hot glue gun to stick the sticks together. Wait until it's dry.

2. Next cut the cloth into a triangular shape. Draw a heart shape on it with a marker. Stick it with the long plastic stick as a pretty heart sail.

3. Then stick the sail on the big plastic container.

4. After that use the pencil to make a hole on the plastic container. Remember to make the hole near the edge of the container so that water won't go into the boat.

5. After making a hole, get a piece of string which is 40cm long. Tie one end of the string to the hole and tie another end to the rock as an anchor.

6. Finally put a little LEGO man on the deck of the boat. A fancy boat is done!







By Jessie Widjaja

Pr.4C (25)

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