耶穌說:「你們用什麼尺度量給人,也要用什麼尺度量給你們。」(谷 4:21-25)

5A An Autobiography of a Coin(2021)

An Autobiography of a Coin


      A long time ago, I lived underground with my twin Twinkle. I lived happily there. One day, a burly man dug us up and we had a bumpy ride to a building called ‘London Bank’. Inside, I got separated from my twin and I turned into a silver and round one-dollar coin. The hundred-dollar banknotes from another aisle were mean, they always told me their value was higher than me. I was hurt.

      Soon, while I was in the bank, a stubby man with a black mask and a huge sack carried me away. I heard sirens outside the man’s pocket but they soon faded. After a while, a man took me out from his pocket and studied me. He wrinkled his nose like I didn’t have enough value. I was then thrown into a river. I fainted.

      When I woke up, I found a boy staring at me. He told me I was washed up the shore. He also introduced himself as Tommy. He took me as his lucky coin and called me Coiney. Every day, he would play with me. Most of the time, the taciturn boy would read stories to me. I was happy I made a new friend.

      I always wonder if Tommy will have another lucky coin and throw me away, or if I will be passed from one owner to another again. Not likely. Tommy is my best friend, and I will never leave him. He will never leave me.


                                                                      By Melanie Mok  5A (18)

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