耶穌說:「你們用什麼尺度量給人,也要用什麼尺度量給你們。」(谷 4:21-25)

5B An Autobiography of a pair of scissors(2021)

An Autobiography of a pair of scissors


    Hi! My name is Hayley Cheung. Before I became a pair of scissors, I lived in a place with lots of rubbish. Then one day, a man came and took me away. I was scared but happy at the same time. I was excited about not having to live in a dump anymore but was scared of where I was going.

   After a while, I was on a table in an unfamiliar place. There, I saw some nice stationary like pencils and erasers. The man started using tools and made me look pretty.

   Now, I am skinny. I wear a navy blue shirt. I live in a purple case. I have a few friends who live with me - Funny Pencil, Weird Eraser and Cheerful Ruler. When we go outside, we work together and help Master with his work.

   I like helping Master but it is tiring when I cut things because it makes my legs sore. I also saw my friends get thrown into the bin because they became old.

   What will happen if I become old and rusty one day? Will Master throw me out? Will I be forgotten? These questions make me worry.


By Hayley Cheung 5B (3)

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