耶穌說:「你們用什麼尺度量給人,也要用什麼尺度量給你們。」(谷 4:21-25)

6A Going for a Party(2021)

Going for a Party


The fresh smell of peppermint candies,

the red and green decorations all around.


I see a white beard and a big round tummy,

and presents on the ground.


The strong and vibrant scent of gingerbread,

presents wrapped with silk and thread.


Rudolph's nose shining brighter than ever,

seeming as if it's going to last forever.


Candy canes hanging on the walls,

as the children dance around and play together.


Snowflakes falling all over the place,

Santa leaving without a trace.


A bright Christmas tree in the middle of every home,

shining with the Christmas spirit.


We are all together on this happy day,

indeed, this is the Christmas spirit, they say.


By Charlene Tse 6A

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