耶穌說:「天主的國好比一個人把種子撒在地裏,他黑夜白天,或睡或起,那種子發芽生長,至於怎樣,他卻不知道,因為土地自然生長果實。」(谷 4:26-34)

3A A Horrible Dream (2122)

A Horrible Dream


               I had a horrible dream last night. I dreamt that I was at an extremely smelly landfill site. I was very blue. Suddenly, I found that the rubbish I threw into the bin yesterday was all there!


               After that, I felt there were something chasing after me. Then I discovered that the rubbish had legs! I started zooming but the talking rubbish and broken furniture pieces were shouting at me.


               I wanted to escape when my alarm clock rang. I woke up and I learnt that I have to be tidy and should not throw rubbish everywhere. What a nightmare!



By Eunice Ma 3A (18)






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