耶穌說:「天主的國好比一個人把種子撒在地裏,他黑夜白天,或睡或起,那種子發芽生長,至於怎樣,他卻不知道,因為土地自然生長果實。」(谷 4:26-34)

3C A better living habit (2122)

A Better Living Habit


Dear Shellie May,


How are you? I know you can’t perform well in Disneyland so I want to give you some advice.


You are too chubby because you eat too much sugary food and fried food. You can eat sweet food but too much is bad for your health because it contains a lot of sugar.


I suggest you to eat more fruit and vegetables such as cabbages, cauliflower, grapes and strawberries. You should drink more water and vegetable juice because they can help you to be healthier.


You are always too tired so you should sleep earlier and wake up early. You ought to do more exercises such as swimming and playing basketball. I hope you can perform well in Disneyland.


Best wishes,

Dr. Kayley


By Kayley Wan 3C (28)

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