耶穌說:「天主的國好比一個人把種子撒在地裏,他黑夜白天,或睡或起,那種子發芽生長,至於怎樣,他卻不知道,因為土地自然生長果實。」(谷 4:26-34)

5B - My Wish (2122)

My Wish


If I were a clock,

I would tell the time accurately.

I will not disappoint my owner,

So she’ll use me happily.


If I were a businesswoman,

I would sell products wisely,

And with that money,

I would buy a nice cute bunny.


If I were a bear,

I would always crawl around.

I would enjoy people’s care,

To thank them, I’ll make a cute sound!


However, everyone is unique,

I just want to be me.

I’m special in my own way,

So just let me be!


By Yan Chan (5B)

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