耶穌說:「天主的國好比一個人把種子撒在地裏,他黑夜白天,或睡或起,那種子發芽生長,至於怎樣,他卻不知道,因為土地自然生長果實。」(谷 4:26-34)

5C - Personal Recount (2122)

Personal Recount


      Five years ago, I was silently sitting at the back of the class, minding my own business when Miss Chan started walking towards me. I was terrified at the time because I thought she would yell at me for doing badly in class. Turns out, she was posting a piece of paper on the board.

      As Miss Chan was stapling the form, she asked me to lend her a pencil. She promised me that she would return it to me, so as the kind-hearted girl I was before, I lent her a pencil.

      After writing an example on the form, she walked away mindlessly, holding my pencil in her hand. I guess I could say that we both forgot about the pencil. When I was walking home, I remembered my missing pencil, expecting her to give it back to me the next day.

      It’s been five years even since she had taken my pencil. Recently, my friend June decided to help me ask Miss Chan about the pencil. During recess, we went to find Miss Chan. As expected, she was sitting at the teacher’s desk. June asked her for it and she said she would give it back before I graduate.

      Today, when I was entering the school, she said she would give the pencil back to me at recess.


Ella Ho

5C (6)

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