幾位賢士一見到那星,極其高興歡喜。他們走進屋內,看見嬰兒和他的母親主顯節 瑪利亞,遂俯伏朝拜了他。(瑪 2:1-12)

What’s in the Kitchen?


This is my nice and colourful kitchen.

There are two packets of potato chips and an apple pie in the cupboard.

There is a box of lemon tea and two cans of Coca Cola in the fridge.

There are three packets of pizza on the shelf.

There is a box of hamburger and a hot dog on the table.

There are some chocolate pies in the rubbish bin.

There are two cups of tea in the sink.

There are five carrots in the cupboard.

There is a bottle of water in the fridge.

I am happy because I have different kinds of food in my kitchen.



by Heather Chu 2B (11)

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