幾位賢士一見到那星,極其高興歡喜。他們走進屋內,看見嬰兒和他的母親主顯節 瑪利亞,遂俯伏朝拜了他。(瑪 2:1-12)

4B Ode to the Star Ferry (2223)

Ode to the Star Ferry


Engines judder, metal around me thrums,

Thick coiled ropes unhooked, slipping from their bollard,

Splashing into the sea on board.

Hauling the Star Ferry glides through the harbour.


Connecting two shores of the glittering water.

Carrying local and tourists alike,

Some stare in wonder at the shimmering skyline,

Other read and chat.


For them a daily routine ride.

Seagulls circle and cry overhead,

Riding the salty sea breeze

On a tranquil journey

What a picturesque sight.


Victoria Harbour and skyscrapers abound,

Peace amid the bustle, a moment’s respite is found.

Chugging ferry boats in their green and white,

Part of Hong Kong fabric, a colourful, cultural light.


East meets West in this bustling port,

All aboard the Star Ferry’s short voyage.



Natalie Siu 4B (21)

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