幾位賢士一見到那星,極其高興歡喜。他們走進屋內,看見嬰兒和他的母親主顯節 瑪利亞,遂俯伏朝拜了他。(瑪 2:1-12)

6B The Ruined Blouse (2223)

The Ruined Blouse


       One afternoon, Mary was ironing her new pink dotted blouse at home when the doorbell rang. ‘Ding Dong!’ It was her husband, james, who just finished work. He was wearing a suit with a blue-striped tie.


       James sat down and was ready for his afternoon tea. Mary immediately went to prepare tea and some biscuits for both of them to enjoy. They sat on the couch while drinking tea and watching TV happily.


       Suddenly, James smelt something burning in their bedroom. ‘Oh, no! I must have forgotten to switch off the iron!’ Mary cried. They immediately rushed to their bedroom and switched off the iron. There, they found a scorch mark on Mary’s new blouse. Mary was very upset because she just bought it yesterday.


       ‘Haha! What a funny blouse with a mark on it,’ James giggled. When he saw that Mary was very unhappy, he suggested, ‘Why don’t we go to buy a new one instead?’


       His wife was thrilled to hear that and hugged him immediately. The two of them then went shopping together.


6B Anthea Lam 

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