幾位賢士一見到那星,極其高興歡喜。他們走進屋內,看見嬰兒和他的母親主顯節 瑪利亞,遂俯伏朝拜了他。(瑪 2:1-12)

6C A Haunted House (2223)

A Haunted House

          I was daydreaming by the window, rain poured down. I felt depressed. I wasn’t in a festive mood since my favourite festival, Halloween was going to be a gloomy holiday. My mum was going to take me to my irritating aunt.

          I closed my eyes. When I heard a creak, I was alarmed by the sound.

Suddenly, a mist shaped like a hand grabbed me by the ankle. I was screaming for my life as the mist looked like a demon. When I floated into the sky, my eyes became heavier. I felt senseless and I passed out.

          The moment I opened my eyes, a spooky haunted house was beside me. I was in a graveyard. I walked slowly towards the door. What a surprise, it opened itself. Footsteps and moans were heard in the corridor. I felt eyes scowling at me. I felt queasy, in a shock, a ghost pounced on me and I was back in my room. My face appeared emotionless, my heart smirked with excitement. What an insane Halloween!


Eunice Chau ( P.6C ) 

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