耶穌向西滿和他的兄弟安德肋說:「來跟隨我!我要使你們成為漁人的漁夫。他們便立即拋下網,跟隨了他。(谷 1:14-20)

1C - Mother's Day Card(2324)

Mother's Day Card


Dear Mum,


Mum, I want to say, ‘Thank you’.

On Sundays, you take me to my private dancing and singing lessons.

Then, you take me back home to watch TV.

Hey! You eat ice cream with me on the sofa in the ice cream shop too!

Every day you study with me in the office room.

Really Mum, I love you very much!


Happy Mother's Day!

From your daughter


By 1C

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