耶穌向西滿和他的兄弟安德肋說:「來跟隨我!我要使你們成為漁人的漁夫。他們便立即拋下網,跟隨了他。(谷 1:14-20)

3A - Treasure Hunt in Magic Land(2324)

Treasure Hunt in Magic Land


Dear Pirates,

I want you to find the wishing gem.


First, start at King Pippin's castle. Then, cross Dragon Moat. Walk through Dream Village. Turn left and go into the Forbidden Forest. After that, go through Werewolf Cave, look out for the rampaging werewolves. Walk through Sunny Forest and go straight into Gloomy Castle. Avoid the traps and find the key for the treasure. Go out of Gloomy Castle and turn right into Bandit Zone. Fight the bandits. The Tornado of Fear is opposite you, go into it. Dive into the pool, the wishing gem is inside it.

I would like to remind you to give the gem to MS H.Y. Wong.



Captain Hook




By 3A

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