耶穌向西滿和他的兄弟安德肋說:「來跟隨我!我要使你們成為漁人的漁夫。他們便立即拋下網,跟隨了他。(谷 1:14-20)

5C - My wish(2324)

My Wish


If I were Erling Haaland,

I would win the Champions League.

I would be famous and popular

In every great country.


If I were a sloth,

I would sleep all day.

I wouldn't need to catch moths,

Or any pesky mice.


If I were a horse rider,

I would win every race.

I would collect lots of medals,

And keep them in a case.


I'm sure these wishes won't easily come true,

But if I work really hard,

I'm sure I can do.



By  5C 

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