耶穌向西滿和他的兄弟安德肋說:「來跟隨我!我要使你們成為漁人的漁夫。他們便立即拋下網,跟隨了他。(谷 1:14-20)

6A - Going for a party(2324)

Going for a party


'Ho ho!' A familiar voice calls out.

'Ho ho!' The voice says again.


Oh yes! It is Santa Claus!

Oh yes! It is Christmas time!


Everyone is going to the gift party!

Yes, everyone is excited to go to the party!


Santa Claus is giving precious gifts!

Santa Claus is spreading joy everywhere!


Yay! Everyone is over the moon!

Yay! No one is blue!


Oh! What a wonderful Christmas!

With gifts surrounded!


We will have a gift exchange!

Yes, we will show off our gifts to each other!


Oh yes! Everyone is happy!

Oh no! Everyone after playing all the games are now hungry!


What shall we do?

Well, gather around the table because Santa got us turkeys for dinner!


By  6A

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